Aug 30, 2023
GOT A QUESTION? Anything goes! Just leave a quick voice mail and I’ll answer it on the show! 206-926-1522
BBK Bookstore is here
In this episode, Amy talks about how to explain how a
vagina should smell.
article on vaginal smells
The Body Drama Book has great
info about female bodies and more - including a...
Aug 23, 2023
GOT A QUESTION? Anything goes! Just leave a quick
voice mail and I’ll answer it on the show! 206-926-1522
In this episode, Amy answers questions from the mail bag about porn
exposure and how to talk with a kiddo who is distraught by the
Good Pictures, Bad Pictures
Aug 16, 2023
GOT A QUESTION? Anything goes! Just leave a quick voice mail and I’ll answer it on the show! 206-926-1522
BBK Bookstore is here
In this episode, Amy talks about how to explain emergency contraception.
Effect of levonorgestrel emergency contraception on
Aug 9, 2023
GOT A QUESTION? Anything goes! Just leave a quick
voice mail and I’ll answer it on the show! 206-926-1522
In this episode, Amy answers questions about how a mom should
handle a kid who bought a tubular masturbation assistant.
Also, how to explain teen sister's pregnancy to her 8-year-old
Aug 2, 2023
GOT A QUESTION? Anything goes! Just leave a quick voice mail and I’ll answer it on the show! 206-926-1522
BBK Bookstore is here
In this episode, Amy talks about how to explain what a
midwife is.
My new book! Sex Talks with Tweens: What to Say & How to Say It is all scripts and some tips!
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